How to Create a Quality Newsletter for a Coaching Practice

If you’ve ever felt overwhelmed by starting a newsletter, you’re not alone.

But here’s the good news.

It doesn’t have to be that way.

Here are the common challenges you might face, plus a step-by-step plan to make the process simpler and more effective

Newsletters in a Coaching Practice

Are you running a modern coaching practice?

Newsletters are a game-changer. They’re not just another marketing tool. They’re a way to build a loyal community around your brand and expertise.

Social media is great for quick updates, and a blog is fantastic for deep dives into topics

But a newsletter is your direct line to your audience. It cuts through the noise and lands directly in their private inbox. It’s personal and consistent.

It’s all you.

Create a Content Repository

Have you ever had a great idea but needed to remember it because you didn’t jot it down?

A content repository is your solution. Think of it as a treasure chest where you store all your brilliant thoughts and ideas as they come to you.

Start simple.

Use a digital note-taking app or even a physical notebook. Make it a habit to record any idea that pops into your head. Aim for at least one new idea daily.

You’ll be amazed at how quickly it fills up.

Utilise Your Expertise

An opinion is reasonable, but an opinion backed by facts?

That’s compelling content. Research adds credibility and depth to your newsletter. This makes it a resource people can trust.

Research and bookmark reliable sources related to your field.

Use tools like Google Scholar for academic insights. Or industry reports for data.

The more you know your subject, the faster you’ll find what you need.

Design Systems

Creating a newsletter article from scratch every time is a lot of work.

Save time and maintain consistency by developing a reusable layout. Think of it as your newsletter’s blueprint. Your layout should have designated spaces for an introduction, main content, and a call-to-action.

Include spots for images or videos that enhance your message.

Draft an Opening

Your introduction should grab attention and set the stage.

Make it relatable and intriguing. Make it clear what the reader will gain from reading on. Headlines are more than just big text; they promise what’s to come.

Make them descriptive but engaging so your readers know what to expect and why they should be excited.

Draft the High-level Sections

The body of your newsletter is where you deliver the actual value.

Start by outlining the key points you want to cover. Use bullet points or numbered lists to structure your thoughts. This will serve as your roadmap.

Don’t just share information. Share actionable advice. Create a step-by-step guide or a list of valuable resources, for example.

Give your readers something they can apply immediately.

Draft the Content

Your newsletter is an extension of your coaching business.

Make sure your writing reflects your authentic voice. You might be casual or formal, humorous or straightforward. Staying true to your unique style will resonate more with your readers.

Organise your content to guide the reader effortlessly from start to finish.

Use headers to break up the text and bullet points or numbered lists to present information. Each section should build upon the last, leading the reader to your conclusion or call to action.

Every sentence you write should serve a purpose.

Providing information, adding context, or inspiring action. Aim to deliver value consistently, making every word count.

People love stories and real-world examples.

Incorporate these into your content to illustrate your points and make your advice more relatable. This engages your readers and enhances your credibility as a coach.

Include a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) at the end.

You could encourage a reply, promote a product, or point to additional resources.

Make it obvious what step you’d like the reader to take next.

Refine Your Content

While generating compelling content is the first half of the battle, refining it is equally critical.

A meticulous review process goes beyond just fixing typos or grammatical errors. It’s about ensuring that your message is both clear and impactful. Start by confirming that your spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all in order. Pay close attention to the simplicity and clarity of your sentences.

Remove excessive wording or off-topic rambles that distract from your core message.

Integrate Visual Elements

A picture is worth a thousand words.

Images, infographics, or well-placed emoji can make your content more engaging and digestible. Switch things up! Use quotes, stats, or even memes to keep your readers on their toes.

The key is to make each newsletter a unique experience while staying true to your brand.

Craft an Attention-Grabbing Title

Your title should be a mini-advertisement for your content.

Use strong action verbs and create a sense of urgency or curiosity to get those clicks. Use A/B testing to see which titles get the best engagement. This allows you to send tests to small audience segments and see which performs better.

Then, you can send the most successful version to the rest of your audience.

Track Your Metrics

Encourage reader interaction by asking questions or initiating polls.

The more your audience interacts with your content, the more invested they become. Look beyond just open rates. Track how many people click on links, how long they read, and whether they forward the email.

These metrics give you a fuller picture of engagement.

Enhance Growth and Retention

You need new subscribers to grow, but you must keep them to thrive.

Use lead magnets like free ebooks or exclusive content to attract new people. Keep them by consistently delivering high-quality newsletters.

Use automated welcome sequences for new subscribers to ease them into your content.

Next Steps

You’ve got the why, the what, and the how.

Newsletters are more than just a good idea. They are essential for any serious coach creator.

Start planning your first—or next—quality newsletter.

Enjoy the rest of your week.

— Gareth B. Davies